Krst CD "Výletné lode" + krst knihy textov Ľ. Burgra "Za naším blokom"
“Za naším blokom, deti sa hrajú s bodliakmi. Kto koho trafí, ten v podstate vyhráva. …. Dofrasa. Mama ma volá, aby som išiel domov na obed. No ta to som zvedavý, čo zas mama navarila. Dofrasa.”
Texty, ktoré spolu s Ali Ibn Rachid zmenili mnohým život. Teraz v jednej knihe. A úplné novinky v zložení Burgr / Pjoni.
7 € / 5 € študenti
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CD Launch "Výletné lode" (Cruise ships) + Book launch of text from Ľ. Burgr "Za naším blokom" (Behind our block)
Friday / 20.00 / concert / 7 € / 5 € students
„Behind our block, kids are playing with thistles. That which hits someone else wins.... Damn. Mom is calling me to come home for lunch. Well, I'm interested to see what mom cooked again. Damn."
Texts that, together with Ali Ibn Rachid, changed the lives of many. Now together in one book. And totally new production from the Burgr/Pjoni duo.